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How do I reset registration for my BankID?

I tried to register using BankID, but i entered incorrect email, so now when i try to sign in with BankID, it says that I should confirm my email, which is impossible and if I try to register for that BankID again, it says account already exists. Is there a way to remove my BankID registration so that I sign up again from scratch?


  • Hello Ruslan!

    Thank you for your message.

    If you have not created a new account with the email you wish to use please call us and we can immediately change the email adress on your account to the one you want to use.

    if you have already created a new account with the email you want to use we can send you a form to cancel the account with the incorrect email.

    Call us on 031-774 37 00 and we can help you.

    Wish you a nice day.
    Robert Kundtjänstrepresentant

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